Penny Patterson (2024)

1. Koko - The Gorilla Who Talks | PBS

  • In 1971, Penny Patterson, a graduate student at Stanford University, met Koko, a newborn gorilla in the San Francisco Zoo. Penny had grown up wanting to ...

  • Explore the story of Penny Patterson and Koko the gorilla.

2. History & Milestones - The Gorilla Foundation

  • Project Koko” begins. Francine (Penny) Patterson, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University, begins working with Koko at the San Francisco Zoo, initiating the ...

  • The Gorilla Foundation was founded in 1976, based on the results of a unique interspecies communication study with gorillas began in 1972, by founder Dr. Francine Penny Patterson:

3. Koko Signs: Interview With Dr. Penny Patterson | ArcTouch

  • 11 jan 2024 · Dr. Penny Patterson talks about working with Koko, the gorilla who learned sign language, and how a new app will extend Koko's legacy.

  • Dr. Penny Patterson talks about working with Koko, the gorilla who learned sign language, and how a new app will extend Koko’s legacy.

4. Koko: The Gorilla Who Talks to People, In pictures... - BBC

  • The unique story of scientist Penny Patterson and Koko, the gorilla she taught to sign.

5. Penny Patterson - Facebook

6. The Messy Case of Koko the 'Talking Gorilla' - VICE

  • 7 feb 2022 · In the 1970s, a young psychologist named Penny Patterson shocked the world by announcing that she'd taught a gorilla sign language. Koko the “ ...

  • Welcome to the first season of VICE World News’ new podcast series “A Show About Animals.”

7. The sad twilight of Koko the gorilla and her 'mother' - New York Post

  • 28 jul 2016 · Every year on July 4, Penny Patterson throws a birthday party near her Woodside, Calif., home. There are the usual markings of such an ...

  • Every year on July 4, Penny Patterson throws a birthday party near her Woodside, Calif., home. There are the usual markings of such an occasion — wrapped presents, a cake with candles, the singing …

8. Adam Fingerman's Post - Interview With Dr. Penny Patterson - LinkedIn

  • 15 jan 2024 · My interview with Dr. Penny Patterson about how technology like the new Koko Signs app helps with their #conservation efforts.

  • My interview with Dr. Penny Patterson about how technology like the new Koko Signs app helps with their #conservation efforts. #gorillas #client #flutter

9. “In Search of Man: Experiments in Primate Communication,” by ...

  • Patterson is an American animal psychologist best known for her sign language work with Koko the Gorilla. Patterson currently serves as the President and ...

  • I hoped to discover by means of an extended research project just how close the similarities might be, and where the differences lay. Such an endeavor could bring us nearer to an answer to the ques…

10. Penny Patterson | The International Property Awards

  • Penny Patterson ... Penny has successfully run her own interior design and furnishings' business for the past 30 years. She has a broad portfolio of private and ...

  • Director, Make it so Design…

11. Penny Patterson | Candidate for President-Elect

  • Penny PattersonCandidate for HGS President-ElectAs the Houston Geological Society begins its 100th year as a professional society, it continues to be an ...

  • Penny PattersonCandidate for HGS President-ElectAs the Houston Geological Society begins its 100th year as a professional society, it continues to be an integral organization in our geoscience community, which provides critical resources to our members through HGS technical meetings and conferences, publications, networking social functions, and the HGS website.

12. Penny Patterson | American Players Theatre

  • Penny Patterson serves as VP of Corporate Affairs and on the Promega Board of Directors. She works with the Corporate Affairs team in corporate…

13. Penny E. Patterson | Geological Sciences

  • Penny Patterson received her BA degree in geology at CU Boulder in 197.

  • Penny Patterson received her BA degree in geology at CU Boulder in 197

14. Penny Patterson - 1990-91 - Women's Basketball - Regina Cougars

  • Penny Patterson · Position Post · Year 5th · Hometown Moose Jaw, Sask. · High School Riverview Collegiate.

  • Penny PattersonPost

15. Penny Patterson - Other Life Choices

  • Directly and indirectly, Dr. Francine “Penny” Patterson and her Foundation perpetuated both Michael and B.B.'s nightmares and they should not be allowed to make ...

  • Posts about Penny Patterson written by Johnny Safkow

16. Koko the gorilla dies: 'She taught me so much,' trainer says - ABC News

  • 21 jun 2018 · The Gorilla Foundation, headed by Dr. Francine "Penny" Patterson, the animal psychologist who taught Koko sign language, announced that the ...

  • Koko, the western lowland gorilla who learned sign language and became a pop-culture phenomenon human celebrities clamored to rub shoulders with, has died.

Penny Patterson (2024)


Did Koko ever ask a question? ›

Koko is said to have understood nouns, verbs, and adjectives, including abstract concepts like "good" and "fake", and was able to ask simple questions. However, it is generally accepted that she did not use syntax or grammar, and that her use of language did not exceed that of a young human child.

Why was Koko chosen for Penny's project? ›

About the Show. In 1971, Penny Patterson, a graduate student at Stanford University, met Koko, a newborn gorilla in the San Francisco Zoo. Penny had grown up wanting to communicate with animals and decided to teach Koko sign language in hopes of finally crossing the boundary between animals and humans.

How many kittens did Koko have? ›

Gray—out of the box and requested, via sign language, that the kitten be placed atop her head. At the end of the day, two of the kittens (Ms. Gray and Ms. Black) stayed on as Koko's new pets.

How many words did Koko know? ›

She became an international celebrity during the course of her life, with a vocabulary of more than 1,000 signs and the ability to understand 2,000 words of spoken English, according to The Gorilla Foundation.

Did Koko know she was dying? ›

She seemed to know that her own death was near, too. Koko seemed to say as much in her last conversation with Patterson. “She was looking a little sad and worried, and she looked straight at me and held two signs,” Patterson told ABC News. “One was 'patient' and the second one was 'old.

What was Koko's IQ? ›

In February 1975 Koko's intelligence quotient was 84 on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Five months later, at the age of 4, her IQ rose to 95, only slightly below the average for a human child. By January 1976 the IQ was back to 85, which is not an uncommon fluctuation.

Did Koko ever get a baby? ›

Born at the Cincinnati Zoo, Ndume was also brought to the sanctuary to be Koko's mating partner. Koko did get pregnant but had a miscarriage. The two remained close companions after that, according to Patterson. "I think that's one of Koko's deepest regrets is not having a baby," she told ABC News.

Why was Koko moved to a trailer when she was a baby? ›

From age six months to one year Koko was critically ill and moved to a trailer on zoo property. Penny began working with Koko when she recovered her health, and requested permission from the zoo to continue working with her as part of her Ph. D. research in psychology at Stanford University.

Did Koko have a mate? ›

Born in 1981 and already a father of three by the age of 10, the 400-pound Ndume was Koko's intended mate. Ndume has also provided the opportunity for us to discover methods of dealing with aberrant behaviors. This information will benefit all captive gorillas.

Why did Dr. Patterson choose a cat to give Koko? ›

The trainer has read books about cats to Koko for years. Two of her favorite stories are ones that have cats as main characters. The books about cats caused her to feel emotion.

Was Koko sad when Robin died? ›

Koko the gorilla, the super-intelligent ape who understands spoken English and communicates with humans via sign language, apparently reacted to the death of his friend Robin Williams like the rest of us did -- with deep sadness.

What happened to Koko's first kitten? ›

All Ball died after being hit by a car. Cohn said she was devastated by the kitten's death. Koko was born at the San Francisco Zoo, and Dr.

What is a female gorilla called? ›

Younger adults that are 8-12 years old are called blackbacks as they have black backs. (Duh!) After that, they're known as silverbacks because, funnily enough, they have silver backs. Unfortunately, there's no specific term for a female gorilla (or for a lot of female monkeys either).

Was Koko sad when Michael died? ›

Koko and her more recent potential mate, Ndume, mourned his death for several months.

Does a gorilla eat meat? ›

Gorillas are not considered carnivores in the wild, despite the fact that they may consume meat when it is served to them in zoos. Although officially omnivores, gorillas primarily consume plants, including leaves, stems, bark, flowers, and fruits. They occasionally consume tiny vertebrates and insects as well.

Has an ape ever asked a question? ›

Enculturated apes, who underwent extensive language training programs, successfully learned to answer quite complex questions and requests (including question words "who", "what", "when", "where", and "why"), although so far they failed to learn how to ask questions themselves.

Was Koko self aware? ›

Her most famous example of self-awareness came from a photograph she took of herself which was featured on the cover of National Geographic. In fact, Koko was the first gorilla to pass the mirror self-recognition test which researchers use as one indicator of self-awareness.

Did Koko ask for a cat? ›

Over the years, Koko was able to understand and use more than 1,000 different signs — and famously asked for a cat for Christmas in 1983. Researchers initially gave her a stuffed animal, but Koko wouldn't play with it and continuously signed “sad.”

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.